Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Dragons of Winter Night
Dragons of Spring Dawning
Dragons of Summer Flame
- Children of the Plains
- Brother of the Dragon
- Sister of the Sword
List Check
List |
- The Age of Mortals: Everyday Life in Krynn of the Fifth Age
- The War of Souls: Everyday life in Ansalon during the War of Souls,
Volume 1
- The War of Souls, Volume 2
- Time of the Twins
- War of the Twins
- Test of the Twins
- The Magic of Krynn
- Kender, Gully Dwarves, and Gnomes
- Love and War
- The Messenger
- The Golden Orb
- Winterheim
- The Reign of Istar
- The Cataclysm
- The War of the Lance
- Chosen of the Gods
- The Divine Hammer
- Sacred Fire
- Best of Tales
- Best of Tales, Volume 2
- Dragons in the Archives
- The Search for Magic
- Players of Gilean
- The Search for Power
- Darkness and Light
- Kendermore
- Brothers Majere
- Conundrum
- The Lioness
- The Dark Thane
- Prisoner of Haven
- Wizard's Conclave
- Lake of Death
- Riverwind, the Plainsman
- Flint, the King
- Tanis, the Shadow Years
- The Legend of Huma
- Stormblade
- Weasel's Luck
- A Warrior's Journey
- The Wizard's Fate
- A Hero's Justice
- Kaz, the Minotaur
- The Gates of Thorbardin
- Galen Beknighted
Minotaur Wars
- Night of Blood
- Tides of Blood
- Empire of Blood
- Kindred Spirits
- Wanderlust
- Dark Heart
- The Oath and the Measure
- Steel and Stone
- The Companions
- City of the Lost
- Flight of the Fallen
- Return of the Exile
Disciple Trilogy
- Amber and Ashes
- Amber and Iron
- Amber and Blood
Harcover published - May 2008
Paperback published - Nov 2008
- Firstborn
- The Kinslayer Wars
- The Qualinesti
- Lord of the Rose
- Crown and the Sword
- The Measure and the Truth
- The Covenant of the Forge
- Hammer and Axe
- The Swordsheath Scroll
- Before the Mask
- The Black Wing
- Emperor of Ansalon
- Hederick the Theocrat
- Lord Toede
- The Dark Queen
- Blades of the Tiger
- Trail of the Black Wyrm
- Shadow of the Flame
- Sanctuary
- Alliances
- Destiny
- Night of the Eye
- The Medusa Plague
- The Seventh Sentinel
- Saving Solace
- The Alien Sea
- The Great White Wyrm
- Protecting Palanthas
- The Kagonesti
- The Irda
- The Dargonesti
- Land of the Minotaurs
- The Gully Dwarves
- The Dragons
- Dragons of the Dwarven Depths
- Dragons of the Highlord Skies
Paperback released - Jan 2008
- Dragons of the Hourglass Mage
Hardcover coming - Summer 09
Unknown paperback release
- Knights of the Crown
- Maquesta Kar-Thon
- Knights of the Sword
- Theros Ironfeld
- Knights of the Rose
- Lord Soth
- The Wayward Knights
- The Rebellion
- Death March
Paperback published - Aug 2008
- Goblin Nation
Paperback coming - Sep 2009
- The Dragons of Krynn
- The Dragons at War
- The Dragons of Chaos
- Dragons of Time
- The Secret of Pax Tharkas
Paperback published - Dec 2007
- The Heir of Kayolin
Paperback published - Oct 2008
- The Fate of Thorbardin
Paperback coming - Aug 2009
- Vinas Solamnus
- Fistandantilus Reborn
- Tales of Uncle Trapspringer
- The Black Talon
Paperback published - Dec 2007
- The Fire Rose
Paperback coming - Dec 2008
- The Gargoyle King
Paperback coming - Dec 2009
- The Soulforge
- Brothers in Arms
- The Doom Brigade
- The Last Thane
- Tears of the Night Sky
- The Puppet King
- Reavers of the Blood Sea
- The Siege of Mount Nevermind
- The Sellsword
Paperback published - Feb 2008
- The Survivors
Paperback published - Nov 2008
- Renegade Wizards
Paperback coming - Mar 2009
- The Forest King
Paperback coming - Jun 2009
- See Chaos War, Volume 1
- Draconian Measures
- A Rumor of Dragons
- Night of the Dragons
- The Nightmare Lands
- To the Gates of Palanthas
- Hope's Flame
- A Dawn of Dragons
- Spirit of the Wind
- Legacy of Steel
- The Silver Stair
- The Rose and the Skull
- Dezra's Quest
Adult New Adventures
- Temple of the Dragonslayer
- The Dying Kingdom
- The Dragon Well
- Return of the Sorceress
- Dragon Sword
- Dragon Day
- Dragon Knight
- Dragon Spell
- Relics and Omens
- Heroes and Fools
- Rebels and Tyrants
- The Dawning of a New Age
- The Day of the Tempest
- Eve of the Maelstrom
Adult New Adventures
Trinistyr Trilogy
- Wizard's Curse
- Wizard's Betrayal
- Wizard's Return
- Downfall
- Betrayal
- Redemption
- Dragons of a Fallen Sun
- Dragons of a Lost Star
- Dragons of a Vanished Moon
Adult New Adventures
Elidor Trilogy
- Crown of Thieves
- The Crystal Chalice
- City of Fortune
- The Odyssey of Gilthanas
Adult New Adventures
Suncatcher Trilogy
- The Wayward Wizard
- The Ebony Eye
- The Stolen Sun
- Murder in Tarsis
- Dalamar the Dark
- The Citadel
- The Inheritance
Adult New Adventures
Goodlund Trilogy
- Warrior's Heart
- Warrior's Blood
- Warrior's Bones
- The Clandestine Circle
- The Thieves' Guild
- Dragon's Bluff
- The Dragon Isles
- The Middle of Nowhere
Adult New Adventures
Elements Trilogy
- Pillar of Flame
- Queen of the Sea
- Tempest's Vow
Paperback published - Apr 2008
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