New Adventures - Suncatcher Trilogy |
Sindri from the New Adventures
continues his story.
Other information about The New Adventures
Suncatcher Trilogy |
Reviews |
Songs |
Quotes |
Volume 1 |
The Wayward Wizard |
Jeff Sampson |
Paperback Published Sep 2006 |
Everyone knows kender can’t do magic. But Sindri Suncatcher--the
greatest kender wizard in the world--can.
Back at Cairngorn Keep, the black-robed wizard Maddoc has made Sindri
his apprentice. But a mysterious stranger interrupts Sindri’s
training, and soon Sindri finds himself chased by strange monsters and
receiving cryptic messages. Will these extraordinary events lead to
Sindri’s destiny–or his doom?
Paperback Published March 2007 |
Volume 2 |
The Ebony Eye |
Jeff Sampson |

Sindri Suncatcher's friends
are not who they seem. Maddoc has lied to Sindri one too many times. And
the renegade hunter who once vowed to imprison Sindri now shows himself
as a true friend. As Sindri and his friends break into a mechanical maze
guarded by a frightening gorgon, the kender apprentice must tackle his
final lesson: how to trust.

Volume 3 |
The Stolen Sun |
Jeff Sampson |
Paperback Published Sept 2007 |
Everyone knows kender can't
do magic. But Sindri Suncatcher -- the greatest kender wizard in the world
-- can.
Sindri has defeated the evil wizard Anica and has one final Temple of
the Sun to locate on his quest to discover the source of his magical power.
But the conflict is far from over. Old foes endanger Sindri's home village
in Kendermore, while old friends add confusion to an already frenzied
situation. And in the midst of all the chaos, Sindri must make the hardest
choice of his life.
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