Tales of the Fifth Age
The Fifth Age was a dramatic time of change for Krynn. The gods have
abandoned them and giant dragons rule the land. Here is an anthology of
stories that explores this time period of Krynn.
Other information about Tales of the Fifth Age
Volume 1
Relics and Omens
edited by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Originally Published Apr 1998
Old companions and fresh heroes.
New and ever more fantastical
creatures and monsters.
Banished gods and lost magic.
Dragon overlords are taking
over the world of Krynn.
The Chaos War is ending.
The Fifth Age is beginning.
A collection of fantastical short
stories exploring the new
FIFTH AGE© setting, from
TSR's best known
Originally Published Oct 1999
Volume 2
Heroes and Fools
edited by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
A submarine trip to an island of ghosts. A band of fugitive actors. A
deadly draconian who has had too much holiday punch. And veritable onslaught
of dryads, shadow wights, and that rarest of all monsters, the dread forest
Also, from the team of Margaret Weis and Don Perrin, the latest adventure
of Kang and his wayward troop of draconians.
In the proud tradition of the best-selling DRAGONLANCE® anthologies.
Heroes and Fools promises a sometimes heroic - sometimes foolish
- visit to the world of Krynn
Volume 3
Rebels and Tyrants
edited by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Originally Published Apr 2000
Welcome to Krynn,
where magic and fantasy are commonplace.
In this collection, Don Perrin offers the story of a family of minotaurs
cursed by Sargonnas to repeat their heinous crime of betrayal year after
year after year. The god himself enjoys materializing to savor their torment.
Until one year, Sargonnas doesn't show up
Plus tales of rebels, tyrants, and other inhabitants of the wondrous
world of DRAGONLANCE by best-selling authors Margaret Weis, Richard A.
Knaak, Nancy Varian Berberick, Paul B. Thompson, Chris Pierson, and Linda
P. Baker in a new installment of the long-running short story series celebrating
its fifteenth anniversary.
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